Friday 16 March 2012

examiner audience

Examiner audience means what is being examined and to what audience. Some audiences are different according to age group. Like a short horror clip with sex and/ or nudity would most probably be a 15/18. (This might be officially certificated by the bbfc.) Some clips for children will have no sex/ nudity, no sexual references and no swearing. This would be classed as a U. some clips/ animations or games that you would like to show for your parents go from U rated to 15, depending on how tolerant your parents are. Examiners mark work and they want and hope for the work to be appropriate. With no swearing and mainly filled with creativity and worthiness of a good grade. Examiners will not want to see work with swearing, displeasing material and other stuff so you should go over it a few times and think if it is suitable for examiners. This changes the work you produce by how you make it and what is included within the video/ game/ animation/ any piece of work. If an examiner/ examiners mark 2 pieces of work, one of them being completely inappropriate and the other full appropriate the appropriate work will get the better mark as examiners will un grade work if it is too unsuitable for some one to make of that age.

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