Friday 30 March 2012

character profile (new) Furrfum!!!!!!!!!!!

my character is an alien snake thing called furrfum. furrfum is an alien combined with a snake due to a cloning incident. furrfum's race has no need for sexual reproduction as it has discovered cloning new born from one single cell. furrfum is only 3, and is quite small for his age. furrfum's race is called geeflurps. geeflurps grow up to be around 45 metres tall. all geeflurps have a temper except furrfum who is the first nice geeflurp. he is an outcast and was banished from the geeflurp planet murgh. furrfum's parents were killed in the geeflurp war. furrfum holds his mums shrunken skull to never forget the pain and suffering she had during the war. furrfum also has mental issues; mainly suffering from withdrawal.

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