Friday, 10 February 2012


podcast 1

bbc world update: daily commute
the bbc world update is about fresh world news updated frequently. all about news, reports, interviews and other stuff

podcast 2

Farming today
daily news of food, farming and the environment

podcast 3

Scottish football
scottish peoplez kicking a football about and falling over and making a big deal about it

all these 3 have different audiences, no.1 is targeted at news lovers, and political people
no.2 is aimed at farmers or farm lovers to find out about farmy stuff
no.3 is aimed at footy lovers who like football

bbc radio is basically about newsy stuff, basically what happened recently and has been serious or news worthy to be put on the radio or news papers. i am not sure if they have adverts in between news stories but i think they dont because they dont have adverts on the telly either.

farming today is appealing to farmers or farm lovers and is about things being grown. i dont think it would have adverts between interviews and stuff

scottish football is about football and says about the scores of football matches or news about football.

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