Friday, 13 January 2012

creature comforts (new)

Creature comforts questions

1)      Because it wasn’t like any normal advert and actually took time to make unlike filming someone talking for days on end.
2)      To make an advert that was different to any other advert, (for the electricity board) with voices from the British public then being turned into an animated advert sponsoring creature comforts.
3)      Nick Park was responsible for the short film. And nick park, Phil rylance and Paul cardwell made the advertisements
4)      It was produced as part of a series called lip synch for channel 4. The adverts were put together using peoples voices talking about electricity or dishwashers and talking about how good they were
5)      The creative tea, of advertising agency GGK
6)      My favourite is the cat and dog because it was always talking about warmth and I like being warm.
7)      Children would like to watch this.
 No one likes boring adverts. And these weren’t boring.
 Could sometimes be amusing.
 People liked the use of animals instead of humans.
 Didn’t always do the same thing with animals talking about dishwashers and electricity (except they did!)
 The compilation of the British public on television.

Websites used

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