Friday 19 April 2013

interactive project evaluation

The making of the game was easy and straight forward, but the coding was difficult because there is so much pressure to get every character correct, if not it will not work. Making the game pages was easy because the idea was straight forward and fun. the colours i chose were mainly red because it is a dark and bloody colour. this is relevant to the game because it lets you choose whether to let the victim live, tortured or killed. the audience for this is 15+ because any age below this is not appropriate because of the content of the game. amber says: the end was annoying because all answers are wrong. this is meant to be like this because i wanted the game to annoy people at the end by having all choices wrong, and make the player continuously go through the other levels to get to the end and try a different choice. the actual game will not upload to blogger because it is a swf file and blogger cannot upload it.

radio stuff *updated*

Types of animation